steve's space

steve's space
facing south

Marriage of Convinience

Marriage of Convinience
I'm trying to figure out if the paintings that I have been doing are more effective when combined.

foundation #6

foundation #6
3d relief, wood and oil paint.

Segmented Foundations

Segmented Foundations
Click on image to see more images

Friday, June 26, 2009


Friday. As I said, got in contact with an old friend from the corps. Forty years or so. 1969-1970. Randy Barnes! The Randy I remember was a musician and poet. Now I learn that he has been making his living as a visual artist. Visual art has been the world I have been in for a long time. Teaching, producing work, marketing, etc. We are always losing things... finding them again and re-losing them. Relationships with and to people and things, your artwork. You establish a bond and then drift along and find that the bond has become strained or evaporated. Every day in the studio the work comes into focus and then out of focus. The constant push pull, now close maybe too close, we need some distance to see it more clearly. I hope as I get older I am learning more about this balance.

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